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From outside to deeper inside. What's that?



  Own Datatransmission  

Eating Disorders must be prevented. It means, that we have to change our eating habit in primary prevention section with prompted healthy development products. As secondary prevention we have to use naturally products consequently. These products have to be natural without chemical or add ons behavior.

With our products we have the ability to control this conditions.

1. which food we will take and eat doesn't matter

2. important is the chewing process, not fast or slow chew, the time of chewing is important

3. after swallowing the mash goes thru the tube into stomache

4. here we have our live machinery, which works together with a lot of encymes, acids and much more....

5. with our products we are able to measure the fluid inside stomach acids, analyse these and communicate with our own DT to the medical device.

6. approximately after a half hour the swallowed measuring probe will be destroyed by acid HCL.

7. the get it data will be stored in medical device between 6.

8. then data will be analysed and shown graphically with our special program in smartphones, USB, Laptops etc...

9. after analysed data we have to do diagnostics and can take activities and  possible countermeasures



  Analysis & Diagnostics



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