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Our solution is a watch which has a light-based system to enable the right time to chew food, resulting in slower eating time. The in-built sensors then determine the speed of food intake. We then transfer this data from our product wirelessly to Apps and / or USB flash drive. A proprietary program helps us analyze and compare the data. This data is then analyzed and recommendations provided



  Brandname not decided yet

Our solution is a bracelet which has a light-based system to enable the right time to chew food, resulting in slower eating time. The in-built sensors then determine the speed of food intake. We then transfer this data from our product wirelessly to Apps and / or USB flash drive. A proprietary program helps us analyze and compare the data. This data is then analyzed and recommendations provided.

These are relevant to control weight, reduce insurance relating to obesity and increase productivity



- Ease of use (savetime to other methods)

- Discrete solution

- No risk & operation need (gastric banding)

- No side-effect (medication)
- Data measuring simple and fast (Diagnostic)

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